Jakub Kaleta Apps

Reverse CheckList
Jakub Kaleta
Reverse CheckList is a simple,alternativeto-do list application.I developed it, because I needed a to-do list app to dosomethingspecific. Something, that was not offered by any of theapps I couldfind: Persisting, reusable to-do lists.The main idea of the Reverse CheckList is that there arecertainlists you want to keep. Like a grocery shopping list. So whynothave a list of all the things that you buy, and when you run outofsome of them, you just select the items in your list, torememberto buy them on your next trip to the store.That is why the Reverse CheckList _is_ reverse. You checkitemswhen you intend to do them, and uncheck them when you'redone.Unchecked items disappear from your TODO view, but are stillthere,waiting to be reused. But of course, you can delete them ifyou arenot going to reuse them.